Literary residency

The TAIFAS literary residency is organized together with the independent bookstore "La Doua Bufnițe" and aims to provide a framework in which contemporary writers will have the opportunity to write in the privacy of the city, for a month, about their vision of Balkan culture.
During October-November, we will enjoy the presence in the city of four contemporary authors from various regions of Romania and the Republic of Moldova: Moni Stănilă, Alexandru Vakulovski, Vasile Ernu, and Adrian Schiop. During this period, they will meet with students, young writers, and hold public readings. At the end of the program, the residents will exhibit their vision of the space, values, and specific principles of the area through a public reading.
Events at La Doua Bufnițe Bookstore:
October 31, 6:30 p.m.
Artist talk "La taifas with writers" - an open meeting with the literary residents
November 14, 6:30 p.m.
Artist Talk at the end of the residency - a Balkan retrospective through the eyes of the authors
The TAIFAS literary residency

Vasile Ernu
is a writer born in the USSR in 1971. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy (Al.I.Cuza University, Iași, 1996) and obtained a Master's degree in Philosophy (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, 1997). He was the founding editor of the magazine Philosophy&Stuff and an associate editor of Idea artă+societate magazine. He has been involved with the Idea Foundation, Tranzit, and the publishing houses Idea and Polirom. In recent years, he has contributed opinion columns to Liberatatea, România Liberă, HotNews, Timpul, and Adevărul, as well as regular columns in the magazines Noua Literatură, Suplimentul de Cultură, and Observator Cultural.

Moni Stănilă
was born in Tomești, Timiș County, in 1978. She studied Orthodox theology in Timișoara and Sibiu. Since 2010, she has been living in Chișinău and co-manages the literary circle "Republica" at the Municipal Library together with Alexandru Vakulovski. Her books have been awarded both in Moldova and Romania (Radio Romania Cultural and Observator Cultural awards for the volume "Ofsaid," awards from the National Library and the Municipal Library, as well as from the Writers' Union of Moldova, among others). She has participated in various international festivals and events in Germany, France, Turkey, Spain, Bulgaria, Belgium, and her poems have been translated into French, German, English, Swedish, Spanish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Catalan, Turkish, and others.

Alexandru Vakulovski
was born in 1978 in the Republic of Moldova. He is a poet, prose writer, playwright, translator, journalist, and screenwriter. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj. Together with his brother Mihail Vakulovski and graphic artist Dan Perjovschi, he co-founded the online magazine Tiuk!. He served as editor-in-chief of the magazine Stare de Urgență in 2009 and as an editor at the magazine Revista la PLIC – literatură, artă, atitudine in 2010. Alongside Moni Stănilă, he co-manages the Republica literary circle at the Municipal Library in Chișinău. Since 2019, he has been conducting Dialogurile bibliotecii for the same library. Poems and excerpts from his books have been translated into German, English, Czech, French, Swedish, Russian, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Hungarian, Italian, Greek, and Lithuanian.

Adi Schiop
is a writer and screenwriter. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, and later obtained a master's degree in linguistics from the Faculty of Letters at the same university. He earned his PhD in anthropology from SNSPA Bucharest, with a thesis on manele music, supervised by Professor Vintilă Mihăilescu, and published under the title "Șmecherie și lume rea. Universul social al manelelor" (Cartier, 2017). He spent one and a half years (2001-2003) as an illegal immigrant in New Zealand, working in agriculture and as a painter. In Romania, he worked as a literature teacher (1997-2001), journalist (2004-2010), and content writer (2019-present). He has published four autofictional novels: "pe bune/pe invers" (Polirom, 2004), "Zero grade Kelvin" (Polirom, 2009), "Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari" (Polirom, 2013, 2014, 2017), and "Să ne fie la toți la fel de rău" (2021, 2023), along with a volume of poetry, "nu e dragoste" (Cartier, 2023).