Taifas revine cu o nouă ediție în 2025!
13 - 19 octombrie, Timișoara. Rămâi aproape! Revenim în curând cu mai multe detalii.

Taifas revine cu o nouă ediție în 2025!
13 - 19 octombrie, Timișoara. Rămâi aproape! Revenim în curând cu mai multe detalii.

Films #Taifas2024
- One of Those Days When Hemme Dies
- Tuesday, 15th of October, 7:00PM, Cinema Timiș
- Your Children Are Free!
- Wednesday, 16th of October, 5:00PM Cinema Victoria
- Mother Mara
- Wednesday, 16th of October, 8:30PM
- KYUKA Before Summer’s End
- Thursday, 17th of October, 6:00PM
- Windless
- Thursday, 17th of October, 8:30PM
- The Lobster
- Friday, 18th of October, 6:00PM
- Celebration
- Friday, 18th of October, 8:30PM Cinema Victoria
- The Diary of Paulina P.
- Saturday, 19th of October, 12:00PM
- Lost Freedom / Found Freedom (Romanian Short Films Program)
- Saturday, 19th of October, 3:00 PM Cinema Victoria
- Dogtooth
- Saturday, 19th of October, 6:00PM Cinema Victoria
- Medium
- Saturday, 19th of October, 8:00PM Cinema Victoria
- The Tesla Case
- Sunday, 20th of October, 12:00PM Cinema Victoria
- 78 Days
- Sunday, 20th of October, 3:00PM Cinema Victoria
- Alps
- Sunday, 20th of October, 5:30PM Cinema Victoria
- When the Phone Rang
- Sunday, 20th of October, 8:00PM Cinema Victoria
- Arcadia
- Sunday, 20th of October, 7:30PM Cinema Timis
Events #Taifas2024
- Balcanic Disco Party with Ligia Keșișian
- On Saturday, October 19, at PixelTM, starting at 9:00 PM, we invite you to the Balkan Disco Party! Ligia Keșișian brings to Taifas the music of the world and the desire to dance.
- Corina Sîrghi and Taraful Jean Americanu
- Tickets for the concert are priced between 60 and 150 lei and are available online at www.iabilet.ro and in the www.iabilet.ro/retea network. *To benefit from a 10% discount.
- HRANA – food concept by Alina Săftulescu
- On October 17, starting at 8:00 PM, at Reciproc, we invite you to take part in a unique gastronomic event, part of the second edition of the Film Festival.