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Simion Bogdan-Mihai & Lăutarii de Mătase band

November 5, 2023, 6:30 p.m.

Location: Banatul Timișoara Philharmonic

Guests: Young musicians from the Crescut pe muzică folk group

Tickets for the concert are priced between 60 and 150 lei and are available online at and in the network

Born in 1990 in Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Bogdan began studying the cobza at the age of 15. Starting in 2006, he traveled throughout Romania, collecting songs and learning from the few cobza players remaining alive

A colaborat cu artiști din zone muzicale diverse, precum Mihai Mărgineanu, Taraf de Haidouks, Les Elephants Bizarres, Chimie, Samurai și alții. Din 2017 a susținut numeroase concerte de muzică lăutărească cu taraful Lăutarii de Mătase. A lucrat la coloana sonoră a documentarelor „Flavours of Romania” și „Wild Carpathia” realizate de jurnalistul britanic Charlie Ottley.

La 1 mai 2021, a lansat albumul „Valahia în Demol”, iar la 1 mai 2023 a lansat albumul „Drum pavat cu bolovani” ce deține un mic record de vânzări (1000 de exemplare epuizate în 9 ore). Ambele albume au fost produse de Adrian Despot.

Bogdan's music encompasses three general directions: a vein of Romanian folk music, one of traditional folk, and one of generic Romanian pop music (waltzes, tangos, and cabaret songs from the early 20th century to after World War II).

The cobza player's sound is enhanced by Nelu Răducanu (țambal), Mandi Pană (violin), Cornel Neacșu (accordion), Robert Adam-Szoltan (double bass), and Cristi Adam (violă-braci).

The musical experience will be complemented by the young musicians from the Crescut pe muzică folk group: Florinel Caraivan (18 years old, accordion), Ștefan Milutinovici (22 years old, wind instruments), and Ionuț Pîntiuc (18 years old, trumpet).


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